Barton First, Program Second
The key to an effective program logo that follows the Barton brand is to put Barton first, not the individual department or program. Programs are to enhance the overall, uniform message of the College.
Program Logos
- will follow Barton style guidelines
- may include *universally accepted professional emblems, affiliations, and/or certifications
- do not include mascot graphics
- available in blue, black and white.
*Universally accepted professional emblems, affiliations, and/or certifications may be used with the following considerations:
- The inclusion enhances the marketing of Barton’s program and
- The inclusion is approved by the Chief Communications Officer.
- The element is placed within the clear space guidelines. See page 9.
NOTE: Professional emblems, affiliations or certifications will be saved as separate graphic files within a program’s brand folder. These graphics can then be placed with the program logo based on following brand guidelines and clear space rules.